We are delighted and relieved that, following the Prime Minister’s clarification in Parliament on the 11th May, we will be re-opening The Nursery, Hilperton Garden Centre at 9am on Wednesday 13th May 2020.
Over the past 7 weeks we have introduced an on-line ordering system and have received about 1300 orders. Our business was not designed for online ordering but we felt that it was important to keep our customers gardening to help them through this very difficult ‘lockdown’ period. This has been incredibly challenging to achieve and we know that it has not been a perfect process and some customers orders were not fulfilled as quickly as we would have liked. To those customers, we apologise.
On the other hand, we have managed to successfully deliver to the vast majority and are so grateful for their kind comments. Thank you.
Over the next couple of days (11th and 12th of May), we will be preparing to re-open ‘The Nursery’. There is, as I’m sure you can imagine, a great deal to do. Consequently, we will not be making any further deliveries and would ask customers with outstanding orders to please come to the garden centre on or after the 13th May and select the items they wish to purchase in the normal way.
Clearly there will be social distancing rules in place in order to protect our customers and our staff and we request that customers abide by these rules, most of which are common sense. As we have all got used to over the past weeks, some delays are inevitable so please be patient.
Finally, my heart felt thanks to all our customers for their continued support and their generous comments.